Saturday, April 24, 2010

Neck Fractures

The title of this entry, is actually the answer to the question from the previous one. Fractures.

A fracture in the cervical(neck) vertebrae is most likely the answer to why your horse is uncoordinated(eg stumbling around) and has no tail pressure. By tail pressure I mean this: When you lift up your horses tail, there should be lots of pressure; like they're fighting to hold it down. When you get a fracture in the neck there is usually no tail pressure or very little.
A cervical fracture could happen from many things, but one good example is a curious horse sticking their head through the fence to smell another. The other one is a bit mean and jumps at the curious horse, who then has to quickly pull their head out of the fence. They might fall, or get it jammed and fracture a cervical vertebrae.
So what are the signs? Well we talked about tail pressure as well as uncoordination. Your horse could be stumbling around usually with their head lower to the ground. Also you might notice sweat marks or heat along the neck. All of these are signs to watch out for. The best thing is to get that horse to a vet and get it X-rayed!
There's not much treatment for a neck fracture other then surgery, which isn't 100% and sometimes is more then one can afford.
As for getting a chiropractor.. they can't do much other then make the rest of the horse's body feel better. We do not, absolutely do not, adjust anywhere along the neck. One small adjustment in the area of the fracture could kill the horse. So watch out for those signs!

Question 3: True or False: Alseythe clover is good for your horse.

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